The St. Gregory of Narek Church of Cleveland, OH, held an icon-painting workshop for children and adults, led by Fr. Garabed Kochakian. It was the second time the workshop has been held, organized once again by Yn. Naira Azatyan Sargsyan.
Pastor Fr. Hratch Sargsyan welcomed the children and introduced them to the day’s workshop leader Fr. Kochakian: longtime Diocesan pastor, art historian, and iconographer who lectures widely on Armenian Christian sacred art and architecture. This year he challenged 17 excited students to paint miniature icons, as Armenian monks and scribes did centuries ago, using the tools, media, techniques and religious themes prevalent at the time.
As the students took brushes in hand, Der Garabed led them in the prayer Uzkordus tseratz merotz—“O look upon the works of our hands.” At the conclusion of the four-hour session, the group reconvened to share their works. Click here to view photos.