Join us every Friday during Great Lent at 7 p.m. for a Lenten prayer service, reflection and silent meditation followed by Lenten soup dinner and movie night. EVERYONE IS WELCOME. Every Friday during Lent you are invited to come with family and friends to pray with us and enjoy watching some episodes of the TV series called “The Chosen.” Come and enjoy these lenten movie nights along with a delicious lenten soup dinner.
Friday, March 4
7:00 PM Rest Service, Reflection & Silent Meditation
7:30 PM Soup Dinner & Movie Night. Episode: “I Have Called You By Name”
Dinner Host: Qrisitne Manasyan
Friday, March 11
7:00 PM Peace Service, Reflection & Silent Meditation
7:30 PM Soup Dinner & Movie Night. Episode: “Jesus Loves The Little Children”
Dinner Host: Lilit Grigoryan
Friday, March 18
7:00 PM Rest Service, Reflection & Silent Meditation
7:30 PM Soup Dinner & Movie Night. Episode: “The Rock On Which It Is Built”
Dinner Host: Cheryl Arslanian.
Friday, March 25
7:00 PM Peace Service, Reflection & Silent Meditation
7:30 PM Meechink Dinner organized by Sisterhood of St. Gregory and Hosted by Dina Aurslanian & Cindy Russell.
Friday, April 1
7:00 PM Rest Service, Reflection & Silent Meditation
7:30 PM Soup Dinner & Movie Night. Episode: “Indescribable Compassion”
Dinner Host: Mona Karoghlanian.
Friday, April 8
7:00 PM Rest Service, Reflection & Silent Meditation
7:30 PM Soup Dinner & Movie Night. Episode: “Invitations”
Dinner Host: Yn. Naira Azatyan-Sargsyan