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Sacred Music Workshop a Success

The Sacred Music Workshop at St. Gregory of Narek, led by Very Rev. Fr. Mamigon Kiledjian from February 3rd to 5th, was a remarkable success.

The weekend began with Hayr Soorp, Director of Diocesan Music Ministries, reviewing chants with our young altar servers on Friday, preparing them for their upcoming ordination as tbirs. On Saturday, the focus shifted to the choir, readying them with new sharagans for the Primate’s visit, and exposing them to the sublime music of Amy Apcar.

Sunday’s session involved teaching four hymns from the Divine Liturgy to the Sunday School, assisted by Yn. Naira Azatyan, exposing our youth to the sacred music of our Divine Liturgy. The weekend also featured meaningful fellowship opportunities with Hayr Soorp, strengthening community bonds.

Going forward, Hayr Soorp plans to hold monthly Zoom rehearsals for our altar servers and choir members, aiming to continue their ongoing musical and spiritual development. Many thanks to the Eastern Diocese and Parish Council for making this event possible.

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