Men’s and Women’s Online Bible Study

The COVID19 causes everyone to adjust their lifestyle, schedules and usual ways of doing things. For the safety of our people and following the guidelines of CDC and our church leadership we canceled all the events that would bring even a small number people together. We will still conduct our...

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Prayer in Times of Pandemic

A Prayer in the Time of Pandemic Blessed are you, Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, Physician of our souls and bodies. You came down from your heavenly realm to heal every sickness and infirmity. Before your endless mercy our sins melt away, demons flee, transgressions are erased,...

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Dearundaraj Family Celebration – Տեառնընդառաջի Տոնախմբություն

SPECIAL PRAYER AND BLESSING OF THE COUPLES Festive Bonfire Great Food & Fellowship Armenian Music & Dance.   Զույգերի Օրհնություն Տոնական Խարույկ Տոնական Ճաշկերույթ և Ավանդական Երգ ու Պար։   Hosted by: Hripsime Manukyan, Qrisitine Manasyan, Ruzanna Yeranosyan & Yn. Naira Azatyan.   Tickets at the door: $10 per person....

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Festal Divine Liturgy & Blessing of Water Service / Հանդիսավոր Ս. Պատարագ եւ Ջրօրհնեք

SUNDAY, JANUARY 12, 2020 OCTAVE OF THE ARMENIAN CHRISTMAS –  FAMILY WORSHIP Matins /Առավոտյան Ժամերգություն 9:30 am Festal Divine Liturgy & Blessing of Water Service / Հանդիսավոր Ս. Պատարագ եւ Ջրօրհնեք 10:30 am  Godfather of the Cross: Artur Ayvazyan – Խաչի Կքահայր` Արթուր Այվազյան A Christmas Family Luncheon will be...

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Armenian Christmas Eve – Ճրագալույց Սբ. Ծննդյան

ARMENIAN CHRISTMAS EVE / JRAKALOOYTS Vespers and Reading of Prophecies / Դանիելի Մարգարեության Ընթերցում  4:00 pm Candlelight Divine Liturgy / Ճրագալոյցի Ս. Պատարագ 5:00 pm A traditional Christmas Dinner will be served after Badarak. Տոնական Ճաշկերույթ՝ Ս. Պատարագից անմիջապես հետո 7:00 pm

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Visit by Santa Claus

On Sunday, January 12, following the Divine Liturgy and Blessing of Water Service, on the Armenian New Year’s Eve according to the old calendar, children will be visited by the Armenian Santa Claus. Parents will be asked ahead of time to bring a small gift for their child(ren). When picking...

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Are You Up for Tobogganing?

The ACYOA of St. Gregory of Narek is organizing a Tobogganing fund night over the Christmas break for all young adults 18 and up. RSVP ASAP to get free admission sponsored by Parish Council Interested? Contact Jackie Russell. 216-650-4249.

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