Imormative, Fun Gathering and Fellowship at Ohanyan’s 

 On Saturday, Dr. Vahagn and Tatev Ohanyan graciously opened their home for an enriching educational gathering and fellowship in Armenian. During the event, Der Hayr and Parish Council members Vahagn Ohanyan and Sergey Edilyan engaged with community members, explaining the difference between membership and stewardship, and answering questions about the...

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St. Gregory of Narek Sunday School Honors Graduates

Yn. Naira Azatyan-Sargsyan presided over a heartfelt ceremony on May 26 to honor the dedicated Sunday School graduates: Ellena Baghdasaryan, Rouzanna Gaboyan, Khoren Gevorgyan, Arman Edilyan, Anri Edilyan, Marianna Klekchyan, Ani Manukyan, and Tatev Sargsyan. The presentation of graduation diplomas marked the culmination of over a decade of their formal Christian...

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ACYOA Chapter Connections

ACYOA Chapter Connection and visit by ACYOA Central Council! Today, the ACYOA Central Council representatives, Jackie Russell and Ani Misirliyan, organized an engaging ACYOA Chapter Connection Workshop with our youth. The event kicked off with an opening prayer, ice breakers, and fruitful discussions about our local ACYOA chapter’s goals. Our...

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Lenten Sunday Series, “Journey of Faith”

Embark on a transformative journey of faith with our five-week Lenten Sunday series, “Journey of Faith.” Der Hayr will present this series in lieu of his Sunday Sermons. Rooted in timeless biblical truths, each session will explore essential aspects of our Christian faith, offering practical insights and life-changing applications for...

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St. Sarkis The Warrior

This Saturday we will celebrate the feast of St. Sarkis, one of the most beloved and treasured saints of the Armenian Church. St. Sarkis was of Greek blood, who lived during the fourth century and was from Caesarea of Cappadocia in Asia Minor (Modern-day Turkey). He rose through the military ranks...

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Back to The Basics – Christianity 101

Sometimes the basics of Christian teachings of the Armenian Church are forgotten or overlooked and every so often we need to remind ourselves of the basic teachings of our Holy Orthodox Church to help us get on the right track or help encourage and teach our youth in their spiritual...

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Lenten Fridays – Movie Night

Join us every Friday during Great Lent at 7 p.m. for a Lenten prayer service, reflection and silent meditation followed by Lenten soup dinner and movie night. EVERYONE IS WELCOME. Every Friday during Lent you are invited to come with family and friends to pray with us and enjoy watching...

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Weekly Online Bible Study Sessions

All are welcome to join us weekly as we come together via zoom for fellowship with one another and to study the Word of God – the Bible. We will start our weekly Bible Studies on Thursday, January 13 at 11:00am. We will offer an hour long Bible Studies every Wednesday...

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