Feast of The Assumption & Annual Picnic

Ticket includes: hamburgers and sausage with sides, pilaf, beverage and a cookie or watermelon. All Proceeds will benefit our Annual Food Festival this year, taking place on Friday September 15 and Saturday September 16. Following the Church Services, a traditional Blessing of the Grapes ceremony will be held outside the...

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Cleveland Armenian Festival 2022

BECOME A FESTIVAL BOOSTER  TODAY   The 21st Annual Cleveland Armenian Festival is fast approaching and we need your help. This year’s Festival promises to be the best yet, with live entertainment, delicious foods, and involvement from the entire parish community. We are called as Christian’s to cheerfully give our TIME, TALENT & TREASURE and offer...

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Pray for the Departed Innocents of Uvalde, Texas

In a message to the faithful this week, Diocesan Primate Fr. Mesrop Parsamyan offered a prayerful reflection on the horrifying massacre of children and teachers at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, TX. “Yesterday, evil manifested itself again in our national life,” he wrote in the May 25 message: “another lone...

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The New Parish Council of St. Gregory of Narek 

May God bless our newly installed Parish Council members with wisdom, zeal and enthusiasm to serve His Holy Church. Many thanks to our outgoing PC member Alex Nersesov who promised return back and continue to serve after one year break. With the installation of our new Parish Council for the...

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Easter Weekend Photo Galleries 

We had splendid Easter Eve and Easter Celebrations here at St. Gregory of Narek Church. First of all many thanks to our amazingly talented and dedicated Narekatsi Choir members and our deacons and Altar servers. Many thanks to our Parish Council members for attending all the services and diligently offering their...

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Palm Sunday at St. Gregory of Narek

We had a beautiful Palm Sunday Celebration las Sunday. We were sad that due to sudden illness Hay Simeon could not make it but with God’s grace we will have another yet opportunity to celebrate Hayr Simeon’s milestone events. We offered a special blessing prayer to our ACYOA members who...

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