A Prayer in the Time of Pandemic

A Prayer in the Time of Pandemic Blessed are you, Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, Physician of our souls and bodies. You came down from your heavenly realm to heal every sickness and infirmity. Before your endless mercy our sins melt away, demons flee, transgressions are erased,...

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Men’s and Women’s Bible Study

The COVID19 causes everyone to adjust their lifestyle, schedules and usual ways of doing things. For the safety of our people and following the guidelines of CDC and our church leadership we canceled all the events that would bring even a small number people together. We will still conduct our...

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Church School Christmas Play 

On Sunday, January 5th, following the Armenian Christmas Eve services, the Church School students presented a beautiful Christmas play. It was very inspiring to see our young ones telling the Christmas story with their words and through a play. Many thanks to Yn. Naira Azatyan, superintendent for organizing the play...

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Happy New Year and Merry Christmas

“The New Year is a new beginning: a chance to heal our lives and reaffirm our direction on the path of progress. Each of us is responsible for every single day we live,” said Catholicos Karekin II in his message for the New Year. Click on the following links to view...

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