Feast of the Apparition of the Holy Cross

This feast is dedicated to the Apparition of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem. In 351 AD, in the month of May a bright, luminous cross appeared over the skies of Jerusalem, centered over an area spanning from the Mount of Olives (where Christ was betrayed and arrested) to Golgotha (where...

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We continue our weekly online Bible Studies

JOIN US EVERY THURSDAY FOR WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY 11AM -12PM  Topic: Women’s Bible Study Time: Every Thursday at 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting by clicking here Dial by phone  +1 929 205 6099 Meeting ID: 960 021 206 Password: 309306 JOIN US EVERY WEDNESDAY FOR...

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Online Worship Schedule

In light of the continued impact of COVID-19 and guidance from our Primate, we will be adjusting our worship schedule. For the next two months, we will celebrate Badarak once a month at our church. The other three Sundays, we will observe night and morning services at the church. We...

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Worship Online During Holy Week

Worship With Us Online The health and safety of our parishioners is our priority. Given our current circumstances we are compelled to make unprecedented adjustments to our Holy Week services. In accordance with COVID-19-related public health regulations, parishioners will not be permitted to enter the church sanctuary. We encourage you...

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A Prayer in the Time of Pandemic

A Prayer in the Time of Pandemic Blessed are you, Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, Physician of our souls and bodies. You came down from your heavenly realm to heal every sickness and infirmity. Before your endless mercy our sins melt away, demons flee, transgressions are erased,...

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Men’s and Women’s Bible Study

The COVID19 causes everyone to adjust their lifestyle, schedules and usual ways of doing things. For the safety of our people and following the guidelines of CDC and our church leadership we canceled all the events that would bring even a small number people together. We will still conduct our...

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